Women’s Fellowship
“Follow me, I will make you fishers of Men.” (Mt. 4:15). Jesus gave this penetrating command and promise to his very first couple of disciples.
This programme is all about God’s Word increasing among women through Bible studies and by encouraging one another to live it out.
Like Paul’s noble hearers of Berea we meet to sharpen our understanding and deepen our life transformation from contents shared in class.
We study God’s Word together book by book.
We share our lives to help one another grow to more and more Christ-likeness.
We reach out to other men and women in our relational networks with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I’m really grateful to God for using the teaching and studies we receive in WIM to help me to study God’s Word by myself and meet Him in His Word.
Also, my confidence in God’s Word is increasing and I’m growing in helping my children learn more about the God of the Bible as I answer their questions. “We have been using an Ephesians study guide to read and study God’s Word as a family together with our neighbours. They are believers who have been in a church for a long time and serve as evangelists, teaching others. It is amazing to see God opening their eyes to see for themselves the truth from the Bible and acknowledging they have not been speaking the truth as it is revealed by God.