Teaching apprentice in his local church

This has been and is still a tremendous benefit to me as a follower of Christ and a citizen in this short, uncertain earthly life. I want to share my takeaway points from what we’ve been learning in this time of the covid-19 pandemic.

From the class on the book of Exodus: In the course of learning this book, I saw the book answers the question ‘Who is Yahweh?’: The God who wants to be known.

  • The God who delievers, redeems his people and wants to be known for His great redeeming power.
  • The God who demands obedience from his people. Thank God, we now have grace to obey him through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • The God who wants to dwell with His people. It is a great privilege to realize the Creator of the Universe wants to dwell among us his people.

From the class on ‘Gospel Frames’: I remember the first session on this topic as if it was yesterday. The teacher gave us the illustration of a door trying to explain “frame”. He said that just as the frames of a door determine its shape and boundaries and secure it in the wall, if we understand these gospel frames, whatever teaching or readings we will have will be correctly handled. I can summarize it in my own way:

  • Authority: The Scriptures
  • The issue: Sin
  • The ground: Grace alone
  • The Solution: Christ alone
  • The way in: Faith alone
  • Chief end: God’s honor and glory alone

With all this I recognize that I am not the center of things, but God is, and that I as his creature and child exist for him rather than he for me.

Dan Nkundwanayo